Category: Introduction

What is Fitness Mission

January 26, 2015 I recently wrote for the sidebar of a local newspaper the following: The Fitness Mission is an initiative to help people to understand that they have a right and an obligation to themselves and their loved ones to perform the self-maintenance that allows them to fully express themselves as human beings. Most […]

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Stronger is Funner (More Fun)

The many benefits of strength training are well established. A quick search will reveal documentation by such organizations as the American Heart Association. Therefore, I won’t talk about improvements in bone density; flexibility and balance; glucose metabolism; blood lipid and lipoprotein profiles; body image; and a host of others. Instead, this is just a personal […]

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Introduction: This is Where It Starts

Weakness and frailty are not the inevitable consequence of aging! You’ve heard that you lose .5% to 1% per year of your skeletal muscle mass after age 25? Sure, it’s possible, but hardly inevitable. Similarly, you’ve heard that your strength peaks in the mid to late twenties and then it’s down hill from there? This […]

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Who is That Strong Old Guy?

I first noticed that I was losing my girlish figure back over 30 years ago when I was 26. A picture of me taken from behind by my wife revealed that there was no longer much of a “V” taper from shoulders to waste. It was apparent that I could no longer eat whatever I […]

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