We Are All Late Bloomers

I was reminded yesterday while watching the Green Bay Packers defeat the San Diego Chargers of how often people are not able to initially live up to other people’s or their own expectations. Very often there are setbacks and disappointments that have to be overcome in order to live up to what appears to be […]

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The Best Leg Exercise Ever?

I have come to believe that the lowly deep knee bend might  offer the best over-all combination of flexibility, intensity, and progressivity of any leg exercise you can do. If you had to pick only one movement that would offer you the best chance to strengthen the most muscles as well as your cardio-vascular system, […]

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Sneak Up on Fitness Part III: Finding the Time

Now that you have a treadmill or recumbent bike desk, or not, what can you do at home when you otherwise would be sitting? More importantly, where will you ever find the time? For a hint as to when a person might “find the time”, the following is from a 6/22/11 release from the U.S. […]

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Sneak Up On Fitness Part II

People get out of shape and weigh too much for only two reasons: they don’t exercise enough and they eat too much. It is that simple. How and when to eat in order to reduce your caloric intake is the subject for another time. What I want to concentrate on now is how to get […]

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Who is That Strong Old Guy?

I first noticed that I was losing my girlish figure back over 30 years ago when I was 26. A picture of me taken from behind by my wife revealed that there was no longer much of a “V” taper from shoulders to waste. It was apparent that I could no longer eat whatever I […]

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Sneak up on Fitness Part I

Why Not Exercise? Why are so many people so out of shape that they can’t conveniently perform routine, day-to-day activities? After all, nobody sets out to be that way. The popularity of shows, like NBC’s The Biggest Loser, demonstrate the interest that people have in the dramatic transformative potential of diet and exercise. However, who […]

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