Category: General Interest

The Farm Kid and High School Sports

My wife Gloria’s and my internal discussions of The Fitness Mission are often referred to as “the resurrection of the farm kid.” This is all about teaching at the foundational, family level the exact same thing high school coaches try to instill in their athletes. We feel that all children should already have a sense of the values, courage, […]

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Standing Desks: Considerations to Make Them Work for You

More and more people are getting the message about how bad sitting is for you, and the fact that we sit way too much….up to 13 or more hours per day for many people. If you already have a standing desk, or if you are seriously considering one, then I presume that you are well […]

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A Call to Action

Consistent with the Fitness Mission, today we are calling on every American to commit to trying to pass the Accommodated Army Physical Fitness Assessment (AAPFA). The AAPFA is modified, civilian adapted version of the Army Physical Fitness Test that is required of every soldier at least twice per year. It mirrors similar tests required of the […]

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Sitting Will Kill You & Keeping It Simple Today

Fitness Mission is all about KISS…”Keep It Simple (Stupid)” or (Silly). One of the things we’ll be talking about in the coming months is the terribly excessive amount of sitting that is synonymous with our contemporary lifestyles. As a bit of a preview, I made a little video for Heidi and Jay over at Health Binge: There’s about a […]

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Learning What I Thought I Knew

One year ago today, on February 3rd, 2013 I blew myself up. I had thought I knew more than other guys who had suffered similar, if not quite as dramatic fates. I had I thought I was more organized, more deliberate, more careful; you know, just smarter than the other guys that got off playing […]

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What is Fitness Mission

January 26, 2015 I recently wrote for the sidebar of a local newspaper the following: The Fitness Mission is an initiative to help people to understand that they have a right and an obligation to themselves and their loved ones to perform the self-maintenance that allows them to fully express themselves as human beings. Most […]

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