Tags: lose weight


Take a look around. If you like something please use the comment section, or you can email me at info@strongoldguy.com. If you have had a hard time getting started with any kind of fitness program, I would recommend that you start with the Sneak Up On Fitness series, especially parts I, II, and III. I […]

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Keith vs. Reggie: Why the Difference?

In the previous post, we had two disc jockies going at it to see who could gain the most muscle and lose the most fat in a 10 week period. They both made great progress, but clearly Keith won. In just over 10 weeks, Keith gained 27 pounds of muscle vs. Reggie’s still respectable 9 […]

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How Fast for What Results?

How fast will it take to see results? This is one of the most common questions people have when they’re thinking about starting an exercise program or joining a gym. The answer is, “it depends.” Most people will start to feel better before they see obvious evidence in the mirror. Often, they will report having […]

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Sorting Out the Options

People get out of shape and put on too much weight for fundamentally two reasons: they eat too much and they don’t move enough. The solutions to these two problems are fundamentaly simple : eat less and exercise more. However, what people need to do depends on the relative percentages of these two main factors contributing to their lack of svelteness . Accordingly, their […]

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Home or Commercial Gym?

I work out at home, commercial gyms, privately owned hard-core “pits”, and out doors by hiking and biking. It’s all good. What is the most effective? That all depends on your individual circumstances; however, eventually I think it’s best if you can migrate to a commercial gym to get a solid, well qualified start to developing good, […]

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Sneak up on Fitness Part I

Why Not Exercise? Why are so many people so out of shape that they can’t conveniently perform routine, day-to-day activities? After all, nobody sets out to be that way. The popularity of shows, like NBC’s The Biggest Loser, demonstrate the interest that people have in the dramatic transformative potential of diet and exercise. However, who […]

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